Supporting and developing leadership in RE and collective worship
London and the South-East Members' Profiles

Anne Andrews has been with the Diocese of Oxford since 2014, offering support through that time to Church schools across the Diocese. Although originally qualified as a secondary school modern languages teacher, she fell in love with RE during her time as a part-time primary school teacher. She is passionate to see RE taught well and for teachers and students to enjoy it too.
Her main work is working alongside RE subject leaders to improve their practice and develop the RE curriculum, but also runs training sessions and RE networks, both for the diocese and for local authorities in the area. She also keeps the diocesan advisory team informed about developments in RE, as well as working alongside colleagues from other dioceses.
Anne supports three SACREs as adviser and sits as a member on a fourth. She is an accredited trainer for Understanding Christianity, running at least one course per year. Anne is also a certified SIAMS (section 48) inspector for the Church of England.

Stacey is an enthusiastic adviser with almost twenty years’ experience of making a positive impact on the learning of pupils from Early Years up to A Level. She is passionate about the importance of valuable and measurable learning experiences that instigate a life-long love of learning.
She has a track record of success in a wide range of schools, including SEND, Faith and PRUs, across the spectrum of State, MAT and independent schools and has always built an excellent rapport with teachers, parents, school leaders and pupils alike.
Stacey works across a range of London Boroughs as a SACRE Advisor, and has win bids for funding as well as national awards for the Local Authority. She runs popular training for teachers in primary and secondary RE and humanities, and supports SLT in schools to develop SMSC and British Values across their wider curriculum, and in achieving national awards for RE and humanities.
She is an RE tutor for teachers and pre-ITT students, a qualified assessor for the RE Quality Mark, and has written several published articles in nationwide academic journals and teacher magazines and is qualified in Philosophy for Children (P4C), and organisation Coaching & Mentoring (ILM).

Justine BALL
Justine joined Hampshire County Council in June 2015. Her areas of responsibility include:
professional support for RE, SMSC, British values and Prevent in primary schools
training courses, networks and an annual conference for primary RE teachers and subject leaders
editorship of RE Primary News and involvement in two RE websites.
Justine has a degree in Theology from Oxford University and is currently working on a Masters in Religious Studies with Chester University. She has worked across education, both in primary schools and in Adult Further Education.
Prior to joining the team, she worked in a primary school, where she taught across the infant and junior classes. She held the post of RE, History and Worship Co-ordinator for several years, leading her school through a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection and written the policies for collective worship and RE. She was also successful in gaining the National Quality Mark for History in 2015.
Justine has completed two programmes of study with the Woolf Institute at Cambridge University, exploring the history, culture and theology of Muslims and Jews and the experiences of Christians, Jews and Muslims in Europe. She also holds Levels 1 and 2 SAPERE Philosophy for children (P4C) qualifications. Justine is currently Joint Vice Chair of AREIAC (Association of RE Inspectors Advisers and Consultants), Joint Chair of London and SE AREIAC and a member of the Culham St Gabriel Trust’s steering group for RE leadership.

Rachel BOXER
BC (before children!) Rachel taught in the primary phase, as RE subject leader in community school settings for much of that time, with additional responsibilities for Collective Worship and SMSC. She has been involved as a writer in the past 4 reviews of the Surrey RE Agreed Syllabus, leading the Primary teams for the revisions in 2007 & 2012 and most recently, co-ordinating the complete review of the new Surrey Agreed Syllabus (2017-1022). She has also reviewed the Diocesan Guidelines for VA Schools and the Diocesan Collective Worship Guidelines (both twice!). In addition to her Diocesan role alongside Jane Whittington, Rachel is currently the RE adviser to Surrey SACRE, and leads RE subject leader training sessions for both the Diocese and Surrey RE networks.
When not reviewing syllabi, Rachel also writes assembly materials and is a regular contributor to the BBC Schools’ Radio Collective Worship programme ‘Something to Think About’, as well as writing assembly materials for the primary age range, which have been used locally during the Church of England’s ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ initiatives.

Claire has been an advisory teacher for over 19 year working in Essex, Redbridge, Newham and Barking and Dagenham, as well as nationally for DfE, QCDA, TDA and for RE Today services. She is passionate about children and young people being given the tools to be able to learn from and about religious and philosophical beliefs.

As a teacher Derek has over 15 years of classroom experience working as an RE teacher in maintained schools in Essex and Wiltshire. He worked for the Salisbury Diocese as an RE Adviser and as an Adviser to Dorset SACRE leading the development of two agreed syllabuses. He is currently the School Character and SIAMS Development Manager for the Church of England Education Office: a post that includes overseeing the managing of the Understanding Christianity Project and the recent review of the SIAMS inspection framework. He is an experienced SIAMS inspector and was part of the ‘Making the Difference?’ report team.
He is a member of the AREIAC executive. He is on the board of the Religious Education Council.

Barbara MEANEY
Barbara is an experienced teacher currently working at an ecumenical middle school teaching and leading Religious Education. She also leads PSHE and Citizenship as well as SMSC and Chaplaincy. Barbara changed from her previous career in the healthcare service to teaching in 2001 and has worked consistently in faith schools, leading RE. Her qualifications include certificates and diplomas (pre and post graduate) and degrees in CCRS, Theology, Pastoral Mission, Pastoral Theology and English. Her pieces of research have included the role of the RE coordinator in ecumenical school and in faith formation.
Not confined to teaching in school, Barbara is also actively engaged in Parish catechesis, having previously developed and written several Christmas and Easter Liturgies for young people at Church to perform, as well as being involved in adult and young people faith education and formation.
Barbara is a member of SACRE, first as a teacher representative and then as the Catholic member. She is passionate about her subject and would like all pupils to receive high quality, stimulating and challenging Religious Education in all schools.

Munisha has over 25 years' experience of Buddhism in RE. Ordained a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2003, she spent 17 years working at Clear Vision, helping to create some of the UK's leading classroom video materials for Buddhism. During that time she also ran Manchester Buddhist Centre's schools' service, welcoming an estimated 30,000 young people and teaching most of them too.
Here are some of the things she can help with:
Tailor Made CPD online
A virtual school visit
Reviewing syllabuses and materials
Writing/Editing texts on Buddhism
Understanding core Buddhist teachings
Understanding Triratna and modern secular trends in Buddhism
Clear Vision sadly closed down but Munisha continues to work freelance in the same field, from home. She was co-author of GCSE Religious Studies for AQA A: Buddhism [https://global.oup.com/education/product/9780198370321/?region=international], and most recently has consulted for BBC Bitesize on their online materials for GCSE Buddhism.
Alongside this she's a trustee of the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK [www.nbo.org.uk] and currently Vice President of the European Buddhist Union [www.europeanbuddhistunion.org]. Thus she is well acquainted with a broad range of Buddhist belief, culture and practice.

Stephen has an MA in International Economics and a PhD in International Law. He is a former NGO representative to UNCLOS III. He was a teacher, worked in assessment at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and for two years as a Quality Manager at the Qualifications and Curriculum Agency (QCA). He has been the CEO at a number of organisations (NEBOSH (6y), British Accountancy Council (3y) and VTCT (7y)). He is a Volunteer Adviser to Baha’i SACRE representatives and a UK-NARIC Transnational Education “Expert”. He was formally the federation of Awarding Bodies Treasurer.
As a consultant, Stephen does Baha’i work without charge.